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The Team

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Brian Balleza, Co-Owner, Investigator, Editor


I’m a Chief Petty Officer in the U. S. Navy.  I’ve just surpassed 20 years of service and will be retiring after my current tour of duty near Memphis, TN.  I’m originally from California but as a young Sailor getting stationed in Tennessee for the first time, I knew this is where I wanted to live.  We eventually want to relocate to middle TN after I retire from the military. 


I’ve always been scared of the paranormal throughout my life because of the things I saw as a kid but did not understand at the time.  As much as I wanted to close my mind off to it, I couldn’t.  It wasn’t until I met my Wife that I decided to tackle my fears head on and begin understanding what I was feeling and seeing.  We did a week long honeymoon in New Orleans investigating multiple locations to include Myrtle’s Plantation, Hotel Monteleone and the Rampart Murder House.    


Following our honeymoon, we created Pursuits of the Paranormal based out of Memphis, TN and have investigated over 30 locations over the last 5 years.  I’ve since learned that I’m sensitive to things we can’t see.  My intuitive senses have led to some amazing evidence captured but I know that I’ve only scratched the surface and I have a lot learn to truly hone in on my abilities.


After being offered an amazing opportunity by Ronnie Headley, we decided to buy Tennessee Paranormal and continue what he started.  We never in a million years thought we’d be here.  This has become my passion and I’m excited to see where else this field takes us.



Mallory Balleza, Co-Owner, Investigator


I was born and raised in Mississippi and I now reside in Memphis, TN with my husband Brian and 2 adorable boys.  We also have a 17 year old daughter who lives in Sicily.  I've worked in the medical field for over 15 years and I currently work in the corporate office of a reputable hospital as a Billing and Coding Specialist.


For me personally, my fascination with paranormal is not limited to "ghost hunting", but extends far beyond into spirituality, UFOs, other dimensions and alternate realities.


"The paranormal is not supernatural, but a normal part of our reality that we have yet to fully understand." - Rosemary Ellen Guiley.


Jory Eads, Co-Owner, Investigator


I was born and raised in Northern Mississippi and currently live in Olive Branch, MS.  I have three amazing sons who make me proud everyday.  I've been an Operations Manager in distribution for over 30 years and even then, I can't seem to keep still.  I do landscaping for most of my neighbors because I love helping others and it keeps me outside and busy. 


The Paranormal field was something that I never thought I'd be part of.  I knew my niece Mallory and her husband Brian were into the paranormal and decided to rent a historical home in Vicksburg, MS for an overnight investigation as an anniversary gift to them.  This investigation was the catalyst to my love for the field.  We've since investigated over 30 haunted locations.  Becoming an owner of Tennessee Paranormal is a dream (or nightmare) come true and I look forward to seeing where we will take it.


My other passion besides the paranormal is motorcycles.



Shelley Armstrong, Investigator


I have 2 adult children who share my love of the paranormal.  I have a Master's Degree in Special Education and have been teaching for 28 years. 


In the last few years, I've been exploring the paranormal more and more and I'm truly fascinated each time I investigate and discover more evidence.  I believe there is so much more "out there" than we can explain.  In a crazy, chaotic world such as the one we live in right now, it is very peaceful to learn about the paranormal realm that constantly surrounds us.  I am definitely a believer in most things paranormal and look forward to helping you become a believer as well.


A quote from one of my favorite books:  The lovely ones by Alice Sebold-


                              "We're here, you know...All the time. 

                                You can talk to us and think about us. 

                                It doesn't have to be sad or scary."




Amesha Thompson, Investigator


I was born and raised in Middle Tennessee. I am a wife and mother of 2 amazing children. I am a Certified Medical Assistant at a specialty medical practice in Murfreesboro. 


I have always been interested in the paranormal and the unknown. So much that I felt pulled to get out and get involved with some local paranormal teams. I have investigated many cemeteries, The Thomas House, Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary, Moore County Jail, and Harrison Funeral Home in Lynchburg.


As an investigator I am still learning and evolving, including my sensitive abilities. Although being a sensitive helps in this field, I am taking on feelings and emotions that are not my own. I enjoy seeing how the things I feel or even hear plays out in a location or to the history. I look forward to growing, learning, and evolving with our team at Tennessee Paranormal.




Ronnie Headley (Retired),  Founder


At an early age, he began to feel intuitive to the unexplained and a strong connection to the earth.  His Native American ancestry was the catalyst for his foray into the unexplained.  Ronnie has worked with many state and federal agencies such as the Alabama Historical Commission in locating graves and archaeological sites. Ronnie’s interest in the paranormal peaked when he encountered his first apparition while working as a Funeral Director. During his many years as a Funeral Director, he continued to have paranormal experiences.  In the years since that time, he has been on several investigative teams in Alabama and Tennessee. 


Ronnie has investigated such places as the Dead Children’s Playground, Lynchburg Funeral Home, Walking Horse Inn, Brushy Mountain Penitentiary, an antebellum home and battlefield in Spring Hill and several private residences.  He continues to host public historical/ghost walking tours in Lynchburg, Tennessee as well as overnight investigations using some of the most advanced technology available. 


Ronnie has recently appeared on various Podcasts such as Dave Schrader's Beyond the Darkness Radio, Occupation Nation and Para-scope Uncensored. 


He also made a special guest appearance on Kindred Spirits, Season 3, Episode 5 "Blood in the Water" on the Travel Channel.


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